Hi guys! As you all know I'm gonna be away for a couple weeks, it's vacation time, finally! But even being away just want you to know I won't forget about you, I'll try to come online a couple times or at least keep in touch on my social media, remember you can add me so you know what I'm doing or when I'm going to be on, I'll have special content aviable on my fan club during this weeks and new pictures on my profile and don't forget FLIRTPHONE it's always ON &'¤ I'm gonna miss you like hell guys!... Please if you can, tip me and boost me while I'm offline, that will be super helpful to me and that way I won't fuck up my powerscore lol &'¤Love you my sexy perverts and see us really soon &'¤
Some days ago a great friend told me "you talk a lot about being a costumes lover, show us"... On my mind the first thing I thought was "I'm a fucking crazy domme, not possible!" But then, taking a time to think about it I realized it was actually a great idea and an awesome chance to show you a different side of me so I decided to prepare some special shows!!! I really appreciate when you give me ideas about the things you wanna see in my shows, it's really important to me to know your opinion, and to be honest with you sometimes feels so special to prepare a show, an outfit or even a costume knowing that I'm pleasing you with it...Even if I'm a domme (most of the time) means the world to me to be able to please you and give you happiness, no matter how strong my personality is or how dominating I can be my heart belongs to all of you, I do this for you with all my love cause I know how much you enjoy and love what I do for y'all &'¤So... Get ready and tell me which character you wanna see!!!
IssuesI know this past weeks I have been struggling with so many issues on my account, suddenly anything is working properly and I know you have notice that... I know is not nice to try to spend time with me and fight against all of this but I wanna thank you so much for having the patience of keep trying to be alone with me, I'm working so hard to solve all this, you know how much I appreciate the fact that you make such an effort to come to me everyday, to be just us, and specially you all know how important to me is make you happy...All the love and support you share with me keeps me going in this awesome road that I love so bad and with all my heart, and that's why I wanna give you my best! Thank you so much guys, you have no idea how happy I am to have you all and how lucky I feel to share my life, my happiness and my time with you &'¥
I told you I was going to start my blog after some of you have asked me to do it, well i had the idea it's a good way to start answering the most common question of my room... VIKTORIA, DO YOU LIKE WHAT YOU DO HERE?... believe it or not probably 90% of you have asked me that! It's funny, but is actually a good question...Well, I decided to sign up here just to try new things, just to jump into something I knew I was going to like, meeting new people and having fun, come on, that sounds awesome!!!!... At first I thought it was a crazy decision but you know me I love doing crazy stuff!... My first day, how to forget it! In the minute I got online the first comment was "hello you, welcome to paradise" in that moment I thought it was just a silly comment but here, today, after 5 months I can say THIS is definitely PARADISE &'¤ I have met so many amazing fun people, people who supports me and love to spend time with me; people who has been there in my bad days and good days, but the most important thing people that opened their hearts, made time of their lives just to be with me, to share more than sex...You can't imagine how special you all make me feel, how much I appreciate your company and how happy I feel everyday when I get online... Even if I call my room "personal hell" being honest, is like my own paradise and the best thing is share it with all of you, with my little demons who make me laugh every day!!!... I have learned so much about myself and about my body thanks to the friends I've made here, and everyday you teach me something new, some new way to feel more pleasure, some new way to connect with my body, even how is feeling "cum drunk" (you know who you are)...So, to answer your question, if I'm happy doing this, being here, babys, the word "happiness" is not even enough!!! Thank you all for this amazing, wonderful, crazy, fun, sexy, hotter than hell 5 months &'¤&'¤&'¤
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